Cell Culture Engineering XIV

An ECI Conference Series

May 4-9, 2014
Quebec City, Canada


Conference Chairs:

Weichang Zhou, Ph.D., Vice President, Biologics Process Development, Wuxi App Tec Co., Ltd, China, weichang_zhou@wuxiapptec.com

Prof. Amine Kamen, Professor, Department of Bioengineering, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada; amine.kamen@mcgill.ca and National Research Council, Canada, amine.kamen@cnrc-nrc.gc.ca

2014 Cell Culture Engineering Award Winner: Jeffrey Chalmers

2014 Martin Sinacore Outstanding Young Investigator Award Winners: Colin Clarke and Corinne Hoesli

Final Program                              Workshops                         Poster Presentations

 Oral Abstracts                   Poster Abstracts                  Poster Awards

Conference Photographs